Geenifoorum 2006, 22.-23. september, 2006
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Eesti Geenikeskus

Geeni- ja Keskkonnatehnoloogia Tippkeskus

Tartu - Heade mõtete linn

EL Struktuurifondid


  Eesti Geenikeskus
  tel. +372 7 420 132
  fax +372 7 420 286
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Geenifoorum 2006

22.-23. septembrini, 2006, Tartus

Reede, 22. september 2006
13:30-14:00 Registreerimine Vanemuise kontserdimajas
14:15-15:40 AVASESSIOON
PeaesinejaProfessor Sir Peter Donnelly, Genomics PLC, UK
„The potential for genomics to empower a new, prevention-first agenda for healthcare“
Professor Samuli Ripatti, University of Helsinki, Finland
“The role of genomic information in common disease prevention“
Professor Gert Matthijs, KU Leuven, Belgium
"Genomics in clinical diagnostics: guidelines and practice"
Professor Cathryn Lewis, King's College London, UK
"Polygenic risk scores for psychiatric disorders"
15:40-16:00 Kohvipaus
Professor Andres Merits, Institute of Technology, University of Tartu, Estonia
“Does complex structure of RNA genome impose restrictions for natural variation and evolution speed of SARS-CoV-2?”
Professor Adrian Hayday, Francis Crick Institute and King’s College, UK
"Learning immunology from COVID-19"
Dr. Andrea Ganna, University of Helsinki,Finland/Harvard Medical School, USA/Massachusetts General Hospital,USA,
“The covid-19 host genetics initiative.”
16:00-17:30 SESSIOON I
Dr. Charity Nofziger, PharmGenetix GmbH, Austria
“Solving the CYP2D6 Incidentalome”
Professor Ewan Pearson, University of Dundee, Scotland,
"Genes, Drugs and Diabetes"
Dr. Jesse Swen, LUMC, Netherland
“Challenges and opportunities for pre-emptive pharmacogenetic testing“
20:00Buffet õhtusöök
Dr. Michael Zimmermann, European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Germany
“Identifying gut microbiome contributions to drug metabolism and toxicity”
Dr. Jingyuan Fu, University of Gröningen, Netherland
“From genome-wide association analysis to metagenome-wide association”

Laupäev, 23. september 2006
09:00-10:30 SESSIOON II
Dr. Judith Zaugg, European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Germany
„Gene Regulation and Systems Epigenetics as Tools to Study Disease Mechanisms”
Dr. Urmo Võsa, University of Tartu, Estonia
“Leveraging large-scale eQTL mapping meta-analyses to prioritize trait-relevant genes in blood”
Dr. Shai Shen-Orr, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Israel
„Human immune monitoring coming of age“
10:30-10:50 Kohvipaus
10:50-13:00 SESSIOON III
13:00-14:00 Lõuna
14:00-16:10 SESSIOON IV
16:10-16:30 Kohvipaus
16:30-17:50 SESSIOON V
Professor Arne Merilai, Institute of Cultural Research, University of Tartu, Estonia
“Poetics in Genes”