eesti keeles
June 12-13, 2009, in Tartu, Estonia DORPAT CONFERENCE CENTRE Preliminary Programme
Friday, 12. June 2009 |
08:30-09:00 |
 | 09:00-10:20 |
OPENING SESSION Chaired by Prof Andres Metspalu, Estonian Genome Project, University of Tartu, Estonia. |
| Prof Alar Karis, Rector of the University of Tartu, Estonia "Opening of the Conference" |
Keynote | Prof Jun Wang, Beijing Genomics Institute at Shenzhen, China "Sequencing, Sequencing, Sequencing" |
| Prof Gerardo Jiménez-Sánchez, National Institute of Genomic Medicine, Mexico "Genomic Medicine in Mexico" |
 | 10:20-10:40 |
Coffee/tea break |
 | 10:40-12:30 |
SESSION I - LONGEVITY Chaired by Dr Jaanus Pikani, Estonian Biotechnology Association, Estonia. |
| Prof Eline Slagboom, University of Leiden, The Netherlands "Longevity genetics" |
| Prof Gil Atzmon, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York, USA "Longevity Genes: past, present and future" |
| Prof Jan Vijg, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York, USA "Genome Instability, Aging and Longevity" |
 | 12:30-13:50 |
Lunch (served at the conference centre) |
 | 13:50-15:00 |
SESSION II - HUMAN GENOMICS I Chaired by Prof Ants Kurg, Department of Biotechnology, University of Tartu, Estonia. |
| Prof Donald Conrad, The Wellcome Trust Sanger Insitute, United Kingdom "Population genetic insights into the creation and functional impact of human copy number variation." |
| Prof Sean Ennis, University College Dublin, Ireland & National Centre for Medical Genetics, Dublin,, Ireland "The Autism Genome Project: The Genetics of Autism Spectrum Disorder." |
 | 15:00-16:50 |
SESSION III - GENOMICS TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATIONS Chaired by Prof Ants Kurg, Department of Biotechnology, University of Tartu, Estonia. |
| Prof Michael S. Phillips, Genome Quebec; Universite de Montreal, Canada "Pharmacogenomics: Paving the Way to Improved Drug Development and Healthcare" |
| Prof Ann-Christine Syvänen, Uppsala University, Sweden "Allele-specific regulation of gene expression by DNA-methylation" |
| Prof Ulf Landegren, Uppsala University, Sweden "Molecular tools for clinical interactomics" |
 | 16:50-17:15 |
Coffee/tea break |
 | 17:15-19:00 |
SESSION IV - USER MEETING ON MOLECULAR ANALYSIS TECHNOLOGIES Chaired by Prof Ants Kurg, Department of Biotechnology, University of Tartu, Estonia. |
 | 20:00 | Buffet Dinner In the restaurant Atlantis (Narva road 2). |
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Saturday, 13. June 2009 |
09:00-10:20 |
SESSION V - HUMAN GENETICS Chaired by Prof Toomas Veidebaum, National Institute for Health Development, Estonia. |
| Prof Dorret Boomsma, VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands "Analysis of Complex Traits" |
| Prof Jüri Allik, University of Tartu, Estonia "Psyhcology and Genetics" |
 | 10:20-10:40 |
Coffee/tea break |
 | 10:40-12:40 |
SESSION VI - GENETICS OF COMPLEX TRAITS Chaired by Prof Pärt Peterson, Laboratory of Molecular Pathology, University of Tartu, Estonia. |
| Prof Markus Nöthen, University of Bonn, Germany "Genetics of bipolar affective disorder" |
| Prof Ben Oostra, Erasmus University of Rotterdam, The Netherlands "Genetic studies in isolated populations" |
| Dr Gerli Pielberg, Uppsala University, Sweden "Domestic animals: a resource for identifying genes behind diseases" |
 | 12:40-14:00 |
Lunch (served at the conference centre) |
 | 14:00-16:00 |
SESSION VII - HUMAN GENOMICS II Chaired by Prof Pärt Peterson, Laboratory of Molecular Pathology, University of Tartu, Estonia. |
| Dr. Brian Naughton, 23andMe Inc., USA "Genetics gets personal: how to read your genome, and what it means for your health." |
| Prof Andres Metspalu, University of Tartu, Estonia "The Estonian Biobank and studies on genetic structure of Europeans" |
| Prof Manfred Kayser, Erasmus University of Rotterdam, the Netherlands "Forensic genomics: from bio-geographic ancestry testing to visible trait prediction" |