Geenifoorum 2018, 11.-12. juuni, 2018
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Tartu Ülikool
Eesti Geenikeskus




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18. rahvusvaheline Geenifoorum

11-12. juuni 2018, Tartu, Eesti

Esmaspäev, 11. juuni 2018
08:40-09:00 Registreerimine
Dr. Kristjan Vassil, Vice-Rector for Research, University of Tartu, Estonia
Dr. Tõnu Esko, Vice Director, Institute of Genomics, University of Tartu, Estonia
09:10-10:30 AVASESSIOON
Population scale genomics (Chair: Tõnu Esko)
Radja M. Badji, Qatar Foundation, Doha, Qatar
"Qatar Genome Project"
Paul Jones, Director – Population Genomics, Illumina Inc.,
"An Industry Interface into Population Genetics at Scale"
10:30-10:45 Kohvi / tee
10:45-12:45 I SESSIOON
Microbiome in health and disease (Chair: Elin Org)
Max Nieuwdorp, University of Gothenburg, AMC-VUMC Diabetes Center, Sweden
“Role of gutmicrobiota in development of human disease, causality of merely innocent association?”
Egija Zaura, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands
"Oral microbiome: the friend or the foe?”
Jacques S Beckmann, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
“Beyond the Human Genome: The Microbiome, Impact on Health and Disease”
12:45-13:50 Lõuna
13:50-15:50 II SESSIOON
Genomics in clinic (Chair: Maris Laan)
Lars Forsberg, Uppsala Universitet, Sweden
“What happens in leukocytes losing the Y chromosome? Consequences single cells and risk for disease in aging men”
Joris Veltman, Institute of Genetic Medicine, Newcastle University, UK
“Genome diagnostics in human disease, from intellectual disability to male infertility”
Gregg Wagner, Population Health Division, Metabolon Inc, US
“Metabolomics enhances precision medicine and the understanding of genomic variation”
15:50-16:10 Kohvi / tee
16:10-17:25 III SESSIOON
Genomics of recreational traits (Chair: Andres Metspalu )
Irma Järvelä, Department of Medical Genetics, University of Helsinki, Finland
“Genomics approaches to study musical aptitude, music perception and practice”
Taavi Tillmann, University College London, UK
“Disease prevention from a public health perspective, and genomic opportunities”
20:00Õhtusöök (Dorpati Konverentsikeskuses)

Teisipäev, 12. juuni 2018
09:30-11:30 IV SESSIOON
Genetic architecture and evolution (Chair: Mait Metspalu)
Joseph Lachance, School of Biological Sciences, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
“Evolutionary history and hereditary disease risks in ancient and modern humans"
Anders Eriksson, King's College of London, UK
"The complex evolutionary history of genes regulating inflammatory response in humans"
Doug Speed, Aarhus University and University College London, UK
“Better Estimation of SNP heritability from summary statistics provides a new understanding of the genetic architecture of complex traits"
11:30-11:50 Kohvi / tee
11:50-13:50 V SESSIOON
Novel targets for drug discovery (Chair: Lili Milani)
Lasse Folkersen, Sankt Hans Hospital, Institute for psychiatric biology, Denmark
“Large scale SNP to protein level association mapping and its applications for functional genetics”
Adam Butterworth, University of Cambridge, UK
“Integrating genomic and other ‘omic data to inform disease aetiology and therapeutic target prioritisation”
Volker Lauschke, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
"Novel hepatic spheroid systems for drug discovery and development”
13:50-14:40 Lõuna
14:40-16:00 VI SESSIOON
Innovation in healthcare (Chair: Reedik Mägi)
Paul Lacaze, Public Health Genomics Program, Monash University, Australia
“Genomic sequencing & deep phenotyping of large clinical trial cohorts in Australia”
Emmi Tikkanen, Nightingale Health Ltd,
“Comprehensive biomarker profiling: from biobanks to general healthcare – Nightingale Health perspective”
16:00Konverentsi lõpetamine