Gene Forum 2021, August 25-27, 2020
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eesti keeles


University of Tartu
estonian genome foundation
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  Conference Secretariat:
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Professor Sir Peter Donnelly (keynote)
Genomics PLC, UK
Professor Cathryn Lewis
King's College London, UK
Dr. Tilman Sanchez-Elsner
University of Southampton, UK
Dr. Judith Zaugg
European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Germany
Dr. Jingyuan Fu
University of Gröningen, Netherland
Dr. Matteo Fumagalli
Imperial College London, UK
Dr. Andrea Ganna
University of Helsinki,Finland/Harvard Medical School, USA/Massachusetts General Hospital,USA,
Professor Adrian Hayday
Francis Crick Institute and King’s College, UK
Professor Gert Matthijs
KU Leuven, Belgium
Professor Arne Merilai
Institute of Cultural Research, University of Tartu, Estonia
Professor Andres Merits
Institute of Technology, University of Tartu, Estonia
Dr. Charity Nofziger
PharmGenetix GmbH, Austria
Dr. Richard Oram
University of Exeter, UK
Professor Ewan Pearson
University of Dundee, Scotland,
Professor Samuli Ripatti
University of Helsinki, Finland
Dr. Shai Shen-Orr
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Israel
Dr. Jesse Swen
LUMC, Netherland
Dr. Urmo Võsa
University of Tartu, Estonia
Dr. Michael Zimmermann
European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Germany

Check out the speakers and their abstracts here